Discrete and continuous, quantitative and qualitative scale

Not everything has length, but something must have it. Doesn’t make much sense? I believe it's time to understand what discrete and continuous scales are.
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Dembitskyi S. Discrete and continuous, quantitative and qualitative scale [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://www.soc-research.info/quantitative_eng/5-1.html
In addition to what was described in the previous chapter, there are other ways of scale typology. According to one criterion, scale of measures can be divided into discrete and continuous. Discrete scales are those whose units are further indivisible. For example, if we talk about the number of children in the family, then the measurement unit will be one child. In this case, it is impossible to use a unit fraction. If the measurement unit can be divided, we are talking about continuous scales. For example, weight may be measured in kilograms. Kilograms, in their turn, may be divided into grams, grams – into milligrams etc. In the case of continuous scales, the researcher is limited only by the accuracy of the measuring tool. Discreet scales include nominal scales, as well as a part of ordinal and metric scales. Consequently, continuous scales include a part of ordinal and a part of metric scales.
According to another criterion, all measured characteristics can be divided into two varieties – qualitative and quantitative.
Qualitative characteristics are properties, whose change is qualitative in nature. This means that a change in the value of such a property may cause a change in its nature. The most common example is the gender of the respondent. A more complex example is political preferences on a scale of "center – right – left" views. All nominal and many ordinal scales belong to qualitative type.
Quantitative characteristics are properties that involve quantitative account and do not change their nature with the change in their value. No matter what kind of quantitative characteristics we discuss – a monetary unit (e.g., UAH), a unit of age (e.g., a year) or a unit of quantity (e.g., an apple) – their properties remain unchanged regardless of every particular case. Quantitative variety includes a part of ordinal scales (although quantitative account is approximate) and all metric scales.
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